
Demand for smart-phone applications spawns opportunities

Smart-phone fever is heating up the climate for innovation in the local tech community, as firms new and old try to cash
in on the demand for applications that can be used on the iPhone, BlackBerry and other gadgets from the likes of Palm and

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Sigma Micro becomes Fifth Gear LLC

The name change reflects the completion of the company’s integration with Missouri-based Stark
Brothers Fulfillment, which Sigma Holdings acquired in 2007.

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Brightpoint profit up despite declining revenue

Wireless device distributor Brightpoint Inc. saw revenue decline in the fourth quarter, but the Indianapolis-based company
still managed to bounce back from $346 million year-ago loss with an $18.3 million quarterly profit.

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HALO shines on IT upstart

Policy management firm PolicyStat lands venture investment from HALO Capital Group, the angel investor network managed by TechPoint. HALO has invested a total of $12.5 million in firms statewide in the past 20 months.

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