
Auto dealers turn bullish, snag sites

Local car dealers are investing in projects ranging from new facilities to showroom renovations as the economy improves and the auto industry rebounds from a crippling slump in sales.

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Taxi cab drivers file suit against Town of Speedway

Speedway police improperly seized the licenses of as many as 80 cab drivers on the day of this year’s Indianapolis 500, and later charged them $50 each for their return, according to a federal lawsuit filed against the town.

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Smokers get snub from airport

Smokers will have to keep skulking around Indianapolis International Airport, following a board decision June 21 to stick with its hard-line policy of no puffing anywhere on the premises.

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ACLU sues BMV over gay youth group case

The American Civil Liberties Union of Indiana filed a federal lawsuit Wednesday against the Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles, seeking the reinstatement of specialty auto license plates for a group that counsels gay and lesbian youth.

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INDOT memo strips information in public tug-of-war

By one stroke this year, Indiana lawmakers and the new governor vastly improved the public's ability to find out how the show is run at the Statehouse, while in another, top managers at the Indiana Department of Transportation quietly clamped down on what's available.

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