Work begins on new U.S. 31 interchange
The project is part of a larger effort to upgrade the road to interstate standards.
The project is part of a larger effort to upgrade the road to interstate standards.
State highway officials expect about 150 houses or businesses will have to be demolished as a new 20-mile stretch of U.S.
31 is built in northern Indiana.
The lane opened Monday for eastbound traffic on I-465 from U.S. 31 (Meridian Street) to just past the Allisonville Road interchange.
The ramp from southbound I-69 onto I-465 to the city’s east side is expected to reopen before Tuesday’s morning commute.
The left eastbound lane over the eastbound bridge and the Interstate 69 southbound ramp to I-465 southbound will remain closed
through midweek as crews continue repair work.