
Free tickets available for local Senate debate

The Indiana Debate Commission is giving away tickets for the Oct. 11 debate on the IUPUI campus. The debate is the first of three scheduled between Republican Dan Coats, Democrat Brad Ellsworth and Libertarian Rebecca Sink-Burris.

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Senator: For-profit colleges require tougher oversight

For-profit colleges like ITT Technical Institutes need tougher oversight and regulation, according to a report from a Democratic
Senate committee chairman that questions the industry’s advertising spending, tuition costs and reliance on taxpayer

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Lugar: Bipartisan approach needed on climate bill

Sen. Richard Lugar is urging President Obama to endorse a bipartisan climate change bill that doesn’t add another financial
burden during tough times and does not include the new carbon-based fuel taxes sought by Democratic leaders.

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Lugar’s energy bill winning support

Lugar’s bill may be able to muster the 60 votes needed for Senate passage because it wouldn’t cap emissions or expand offshore
drilling, two controversial issues in the Senate.

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Senator should be strong, not ‘moderate’

So Mickey Maurer is not enthralled with the Republican field for the U.S. Senate. His answer [in his April 5 column] is some
home-grown “big-leaguer” who is a “moderate.” In other words, another Sen. Lugar. Ho-hum indeed!

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