
Fewer people apply for unemployment benefits

Weekly unemployment applications dropped 37,000, to a seasonally adjusted 391,000, the Labor Department said Thursday. That's the lowest level since April 2 and the first time applications have fallen below 400,000 since Aug. 6.

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Economy growing at slowest pace since recession

The economy expanded at a meager 1.3-percent annual rate in the spring after scarcely growing at all in the first three months of the year, the Commerce Department said Friday. The combined growth for the first six months of the year was the weakest since the recession ended two years ago.

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State’s jobless rate holds steady at 8.2 percent

Indiana’s unemployment rate remained unchanged in May from the previous month. Because the rate has been at or below 8.5 percent for three consecutive months, the state is no longer eligible for a portion of extended unemployment benefits.

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