
Is Indiana coming out of venture capital swoon?

Carmel-based Dormir LLC’s announcement July 29 of $12 million in venture financing was the second local life sciences
deal announced in July. It could suggest a turnaround from a woeful second-quarter performance, when Indiana life
sciences firms announced zero venture capital deals.

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Carmel’s Dormir raises $12M from venture capital firms

Carmel-based Dormir Inc., which operates sleep study centers and sleep equipment stores around the country, raised $12 million
in venture capital from three out-of-state firms. The company plans use the proceeds to acquire six to 10 companies this year
and more next year, according to CEO Tim Miller.

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Recession has a domino effect on venture capital

Call it a trickle-down effect, but not the kind President Reagan would have liked. The recession has cost most institutional
investors, such as university endowments, about a quarter of their value. As a result, venture capitalists’ primary source
of funding has dried up. The implications for Hoosier entrepreneurship are stark.

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VC firm raises $116M for second fund after knocking first one out of park

Thanks to hefty 35-percent gross returns on its $60 million first fund, locally based Centerfield Capital Partners LP has
raised nearly twice as much for its second. This month, the venture capital firm closed on $116 million from a variety of
investors. As before, Centerfield’s 50 limited partners include major Hoosier institutions. But this time, numerous big banks,
insurance companies and pension funds from outside state lines were also investors.

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Clean Wave hopes to invest $100M in alternative energy, sustainable technologies

A former Silicon Valley sales executive and a Cincinnati investment manager have formed a venture fund here that’s trying
to raise $100 million to invest in the new darlings of the investment world: clean technology firms. Clean Wave Ventures founders
Scott Prince and Rick Kieser are banking on soaring energy costs attracting investors to the risky but potentially lucrative
realm of alternative energy and transportation and related fields.

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Rash of deals saves Gazelle venture-capital fund

Back in 1999, investors in Gazelle TechVentures expected a sprint to spectacular profits. Instead, they got a marathon slog.
According to Gazelle Chairman and largest investor Scott Jones, it was like training for a race on a sunny day, then running
it through a blizzard.

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Clarian launches venture capital firm

The city’s largest hospital system will try its hand at high-stakes investing. Clarian Health Partners is forming its own
venture-capital fund, called Clarian Health Ventures, to invest in fast-growing companies and finance the commercialization
of research conducted at Clarian or by its staff.

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