ROBERTSON: Please, own your words
if you have to double-check to see if the words or views you express have hurt someone, you probably know deep down that what you’re saying isn’t very nice.
if you have to double-check to see if the words or views you express have hurt someone, you probably know deep down that what you’re saying isn’t very nice.
Under current school nutrition rules, schools can be reimbursed by taxpayers for offering meal assistance to every student even if a mere 40 percent are eligible. By increasing that requirement to 60 percent, we make sure that a majority of students qualify for the taxpayer-subsidized meal before taxpayers pay for all students to receive them.
A common mistake made by the majority race, sex or class in any environment is the belief that adding diversity is an opportunity merely for the affected minority.
I suggest you imagine a city where, much like the Uber app, you can request a ride from one point to another, anywhere in the region.
Cognitive bias has an outsized effect. It causes humans to take action when no action is indicated. It prompts a healthy person to seek major medical review when a neighbor has a heart attack, and sheriffs to create barely relevant strategies of personal defense.
As a baby boomer, I sometimes hear my peers dissing millennials. I can assure you: The world’s in good hands.
Election Day is democracy in the raw, democracy in action.
The monstrous economic development project is worthy of the attention it has garnered. But beyond the numbers, Salesforce’s decision could have profound impacts statewide for a generation to come.
I have students—reasonably intelligent students—who cannot answer the question: What is government?
Ten percent of any group contains persons who are unattractive, useless or disruptive, perhaps criminal. Yet dolts, often described as dissenters, have potential value.
Without leaders to execute strategy, manage through dynamic change, and engage your employees, even the best businesses can be relegated to mediocre performance.
It is narrow-sighted to focus on limited aspects of a trade policy and then use those aspects to indict or endorse the entire policy.
The truth is, the financial services industry is a crazy quilt of good and bad options.
This is an industry worth protecting, whether for economic reasons or for the benefits to patients worldwide.
Until there is corporate liability for breaches, those who can do something about it won’t feel compelled to act—and losses will continue to mount.
Because sharing requires trust, we’re building trust in one another.
The 23-member panel reviewing new testing options has two potential paths. Members can focus on implementing assessments that offer teachers actionable feedback on student preparedness. Or they can focus on what’s likely to quell anti-testing fervor—whether changing the test’s format, attempting to lower its stakes, or easing its rigor.
Merely increasing the number of graduates does not mean anyone is being well-served—not students, faculty, administrators, those footing the educational bill, future employers or society in general.
Our lack of modern mass transit is a basic obstacle to economic development, quality of life for today’s residents, and our ability to attract new talent to our community.
Transportation barriers can create heightened challenges for marginalized populations, including many young black men.