
Read my lips: Reform local government

With the economy struggling, tax receipts falling and federal deficits soaring, there’s more pressure than ever for government
cost-cutting. Yet most Indiana local government-reform efforts have died an ignoble death in two consecutive legislative sessions.

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Central Indiana could lead economic recovery

Every day, we get more bad economic news. While I’m not smart enough to know when the global economy will rebound or how strong
the rebound will be, I do believe central Indiana and the Midwest are well-positioned to lead the recovery.

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Beware universal health care

Any administration considering a tax-funded universal health care system that is free at the point of delivery would do well to examine Britain’s National Health Service.

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Are we victims of ‘group think’?

“Group think,” a powerful and controlling force, was present as the Capital Improvement Board built Lucas Oil Stadium and Eli Lilly and Co. developed and marketed Zyprexa.

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City loses a Japanese pioneer

Rev. Itoko Maeda was a citizen of the world, Japanese by birth, American by choice and also a Hoosier who did a tremendous amount to teach the people of this state Japanese and Japanese culture.

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Barack Obama’s new new thing

Tip O’Neill once said, "All politics is local." I watched my sister and even my bookkeeper—who hadn’t voted in decades—cheer
when Barack Obama rose far above John McCain in November. Clearly, there was a mandate and Obama’s oratory and messages
seemed to inspire voters across the country.

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Indianapolis needs more to-your-door delivery services

There is an essential component missing that I believe service businesses have to pay attention to and offer if they truly
consider themselves “taking care of the city [of Indianapolis] dwellers.” One of them is to-your-door delivery, especially
for food, including groceries.

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3-class basketball is the right answer

Instead of four classes, the Indiana Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association has been surveying member schools
to see if they support or oppose going to three classes instead of four.

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