Sheri Fella: Climbing onto the pitching mound of confidence
A feeling of knowing that, whatever is about to happen, all will be OK and all I can do is my best—that is confidence.
A feeling of knowing that, whatever is about to happen, all will be OK and all I can do is my best—that is confidence.
It is evident that the opioid epidemic is pushing a record number of Hoosiers to the sidelines of society and out of the workforce.
We get comfortable with what we know. Studying a book and reading the paper are easy ways to stay informed and “continue learning,” but do those things make you grow?
The Indiana data is less bleak than the national average, which found a full-time worker would have to earn $22.10 on average to afford a two-bedroom rental.
Employees have to be comfortable believing they can be and are creative.
As a company that leverages the cloud to create better worker and customer experiences, Appirio offers a unique opportunity to elevate the way technology is used to mitigate diversity and inclusion challenges.
Human resources and benefits company FirstPerson regularly sends workers to Chicago; Silicon Valley; Austin, Texas; and other far-flung tech hubs to pick up new skills and broaden their thinking.
Tuesday’s training sessions were personal, asking workers to break into small groups to talk about their experiences with race.
Because employees need expertise to successfully tackle a job, the answer is simple, right? There is, however, a definite twist to the answer.
People don’t leave a company because it doesn’t offer free snacks—and they don’t stay and give their best just because it does.
Whether they are called contractors, temporary workers, contingent workers, freelancers or other similar terms, gig-economy positions all fall under the umbrella of what is known as “alternative work arrangements.”
A federal appeals court has acknowledged that permitting an employer to consider prior salary would allow it to benefit from the ongoing gender-based salary gap.
My biggest hurdle was my own assumption. I assumed I couldn’t do something I wanted to do simply because someone said I couldn’t.
It’s human nature for us to make assumptions about the people around us and fill in the unknown gaps of their identity ourselves.
Scalability requires sustainable, repeatable and measurable processes that increase sales volume and grow profits.
Not only do employees have more options for employment than ever, they also have higher expectations of what they want in a job.
All business owners should want to know as much as possible about a person before making a job offer. After all, the investment you are making is enormous.
Authentic, unique presence comes from the inside out, not the outside in. In other words, it can’t be created by someone else telling you how to act.
The program, which Cummins is describing as its “most ambitious community initiative ever,” is called Cummins Powers Women.
We use the word busy to describe how we are doing, we use it to measure our success at work, and we use it to describe our family lives.