
Office fight puts print firm on spot

A local printing powerhouse is trying to regain the confidence of its employees and customers after the CEO and his secretary
were involved in a profanity-laced physical altercation at work.

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Companies must prepare for CEO turnover

A methodical process is the right way to change CEOs, according to succession-planning experts. And Indiana needs more of
its major corporations to do so. A wave of aging executives is at or near normal retirement age–in Indiana and nationwide.
How well those companies’ CEOs pass the baton will have a big impact on their companies’ futures.

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WellPoint CFO’s affairs exposed by lawsuit

In this era of hyper-scrutiny of corporate ethics, even messy personal lives can fell the career of a “well-loved and well-respected”
executive. Such appears to be the case with David C. Colby, whom WellPoint Inc. forced to resign as its vice chairman and
chief financial officer on May 30 for violating the company’s code of conduct in a “non-business” way.

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Ex-Norwood execs say company cheated them out of millions

Indianapolis-based Norwood Promotional Products is facing legal challenges from a half-dozen former executives who say board
members and investors conspired to fire them, withhold severance pay and cheat them out of as much as $3.6 million in company

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Firearm advocates take aim at employers’ restrictions

Legislators in the upcoming session of the Indiana General Assembly are gearing up for a gunfight with high-caliber business
implications. On one side are employees who prefer to pack heat during their commute. On the other are executives who see
guns as a liability nightmare–even if they’re locked in cars parked outside.

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