Indiana Wesleyan, Ivy Tech to transfer some class credits

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Students at Ivy Tech Community College’s early childhood education program can now move seamlessly into the same subject area at Indiana Wesleyan University under an agreement reached by the schools.

Through this program, all credits from Ivy Tech would transfer to Indiana Wesleyan, said Sally Ingles, dean of Wesleyan’s School of Educational Leadership within the College of Adult and Professional Studies.

“This agreement is the first of its kind for the School of Educational Leadership,” Ingles said in a statement.

She came up with the idea after attending a rural Indiana high school graduation.

“When they announced at the graduation where the students were attending college, student after student was going to Ivy Tech,” she said. “When I saw the numbers I said, ‘Let’s partner with them.’”

The agreement enables the students to pursue their associate’s degree and then their bachelor’s degree in an affordable manner, Ingles said.

Wesleyan’s bachelor’s degree in early childhood education prepares students to be recommended for an early childhood, preschool through grade 3, initial teaching license in Indiana.

Currently, Ivy Tech has about 500 students enrolled in the associate’s program.•

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