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8 thoughts on “After Biglari unleashes venom on Cracker Barrel, CEO fires back

  1. I’d love to see CBRL purchase BH and then find out the Biglari has been fiscally irresponsible and have him criminally prosecuted for accounting fraud. Not going to happen — I know — but I can dream..
    I’d really like to see SNS back on its own and as enjoyable as it once was.

  2. What Biglari has done to an institution like Steak n Shake isn’t criminal – but it should be. I’ve never met him, of course, but it’s all too apparent the only thing bigger than his failure with SnS is his ego. My family loves Steak n Shake, and going for a shake has been a treat since my kids were little. The last time we went, however, we couldn’t get a shake because “the shake machine was broken,” which is like going to a bar and being told none of the kegs work. I thought SnS made their shakes the old fashioned way, but clearly even that tradition has been demolished by Biglari. I assume he’s rather let the company go bankrupt so he can write it off, rather than sell it to people who care. But maybe that wish – white knight leadership and rise back to where Steak n Shake once stood – could actually happen. If only…

    1. Biglari fundamentally misunderstood Steak N’ Shake’s position in the marketplace. It used to be about having a good quality product made the old-fashioned way and served in a clean retro-inspired restaurant with good customer service. All things that would justify charging a little more than other fast-food chains. His focus on cost-cutting and low prices have destroyed the brand’s reputation which was built over many years. It would now take a lot of time and money to rebuild what he has so ignorantly squandered.

  3. Only an egomaniac and narcissist can make the comments Biglari has about someone else’s decision making after the past 4-5 years of his leadership at Steak n’ Shake? He has and still is destroying a once proud restaurant chain like Steak n’ Shake.

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