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27 thoughts on “Chatterbox owner calls political clash a ‘set-up’; customer says she was there for music

    1. Could be, Dan M. Whatever happened here is not representative of the bar owner. Great guy. Contributor to the neighborhood.

    1. Then you are admitting you easily fooled. James O’Keefe, a Republican provocateur from Project Veritas set people up with false video scenarios. This is the same thing.

    2. There is no man holding a baseball bat in that video.

      Also, holding a baseball bat is not illegal.

  1. Here’s a recounting of the incident by Hoosier Enquirer, a non-profit organization with no political affiliation:

    “Elise Hensley, a patron at Chatterbox Bar in Indianapolis, attacked the bartenders while using homophobic slurs directed at the gay staff members. According to our investigation, Hensley approached the bar with friends and was asked to leave. She then re-entered the establishment to record a short video of herself being ejected, later claiming discrimination despite her earlier use of derogatory language toward the bartenders.

    “Further research revealed that Elise Hensley has since deleted her Facebook account. She operates a branding and design business called Elise Hensley Design, with a company website at elisehensleydesign.com and an Instagram business profile at instagram.com/elisehensleyde….

    “Hoosier Enquirer, a non-profit organization with no political affiliation, is sharing this information to combat the spread of misinformation online regarding this incident.”

    1. No idea what non profit has to do with anything, but a “journalist” that wasn’t there writing a paragraph after the incident is not exactly “combating misinformation”

      Side note: hop on their website and read an article or two. To call it sophomoric writing would be a complement

    2. Part 2 for the rest of the class
      Randy’s source with “no political affiliation” features multiple posts by “writer” Sam Keen, who in his signature line calls himself Democrat Strategist
      Sam also has a post/story bizarrely supporting Gabe Whitley.

      Nate, you need to get Randy and Sam on staff asap!

  2. Since the left is so tolerant of all, they would Never Ever act like this….Ha, Kidding! Who is at all shocked by the bartenders behavior? Not me.

  3. The unfortunate thing is the business owner is ultimately going to suffer. Sales will drop.

    The business owner can’t win in this situation.

    1. Not a chance. There will be more people there from now on just to make sure bigots do not show up again.

    2. Are you unfamiliar with Mass Ave? If anything, this will bring more people to the bar. I’m not sure if there are any measurements, but I’m pretty sure the Mass Ave area is the most liberal neighborhood in the entire state. It’s certainly the most queer friendly neighborhood in Indiana.

    3. You Trumpers weren’t going to downtown Indy, let alone Chatterbox, in the first place.

      You can’t boycott a place you already weren’t going to.

  4. Elise is mistaken if she thinks The Chatterbox needs the support of people like her to remain successful. She’s simply proving herself to be a clown with an agenda. If anything, I expect this incident to have a positive impact. The Chatterbox will go on long after Elise’s own business tanks.

  5. If there were ever an election for Mayor of Mass Ave and David Andrichik was a candidate, he would run unopposed. Actually, no election is needed, he is the unofficial Mayor of Mass Ave. And a darn good one! There are very few if any who could match David’s long and dedicated career supporting Downtown Indy businesses, organizations, events and neighbors. Over 35 years and still going strong!

  6. You need more juice than this if you want to kickstart a conservative media career. Getting owned by bar staff, laughed at, and then going to whine on a graveyard one-market radio show is not going to cut it. James O’ Keefe – say what you will of the guy – at least made his bones with a bit of showmanship and theatrical instincts.

    This lady not only refused to show her face, but also didn’t readily identify herself in the video or via its various repostings over social media until the local news reached out to her. So honestly, I don’t believe she was trying to capitalize off this. I think this is a case of four intoxicated jerks looking to save face after failing to get over on the “liberal” bartenders.

    It’s embarrassing to be booted from a bar. I learned that early into my own adulthood. Though, I wasn’t subject to this sick impulse everyone has now with a camera in their pockets – this delusion that MY own interpersonal conflicts need to be broadcast to the world, and elevated into representing some kind of social ill.

    Listened to part of the “Nigel and Hammer” interview. This lady FILED A POLICE REPORT, and wants to SUE the bar. Excuse me, I have to go laugh some more.

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