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15 thoughts on “Hogsett’s top aid tweets, then deletes controversial image

  1. Indy’s political occupant cannot take time to “be on camera” per Fox59 about the out of control violence, refuses to speak with anyone at WIBC about the state of the city or meet with faith leaders on solutions yet has time for this type of behavior further indicates their approval of all of the violence against it citizens and businesses.

  2. Slow news day and lol that IBJ defined what a “meme” is. Seems the outrage is mostly coming from alt-right talk radio, most of whom don’t even live in Indianapolis. I’m sure Hogsett wasn’t getting their votes anyway, but he did beat their candidate quite soundly in 2019.

  3. Still doesn’t top his former press secretary, Dan Goldblatt, from being fired for kicking a car during his lunch hour downtown. Boy, is he lucky that didn’t happen when all this race stuff was at a fever pitch. The fact he works as a director at the Paramount School of Excellence is disturbing.

  4. Juvenile; to be expected of Dumbocrats. I mean who on either side of the political fence would consider that funny in any way? Would Thomas Cook kindly explain what’s funny about that to anyone? To whom is he giving the finger…and why? Geeze, what a moron….but he is a Dumbocrat working on Hogsett’s office, so what else would you expect?

  5. Literally “giving the finger” to the residents of Indianapolis!! What a joke of an administration and Mayor.
    BTW, how’s that Red Line project working out?? Another massive failure and waste of taxpayer dollars!

    1. Predictably, Michael; you didn’t answer my question, “To whom is that idiot directing the ‘finger’…and why?” And BTW; I’m male, not female. (Of course, you liberals have, what, 52 genders to choose from, so I suppose it’s difficult to know with which group a person identifies on a given day…)

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