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A Dairy Queen and similar fast food restaurants will turn into a net loss. Make housing happen.
The DQ has been there for 40 years, they were just wanting to move it from the rear of the property to Washington St.
Dairy Queen… where it used to be.
“Let’s use prime real estate low revenue per acre businesses” is the type of thinking that lets developers make a quick buck and gives a small profit to individual businesses, but is a net loss to the city as far as tax revenue is concerned.
Look at the projects on the Tallen website and you’ll very quickly get a sense of what their master plan will be. (Spoiler: suburban lifestyle center with drive-thru outlots)
I didn’t look at the proposed plat, but without a plan in mind, especially an ‘integrated urban development plan’, it all sounds like another suburban row of outlets available for the highest bidder. Potentially another lost opportunity for real urban style development.
Considering what disaster the entire area has become, a lack of other potential developers to say nothing of interested retail, about anything Tallen and Co. come up with would be a big plus. If they can secure a decent grocer, that would be a start. As for the pavilions, open space, arts center,….get real. For over 30 years there’s been ‘open space’ and decay. Might want to tread lightly on non revenue demands for this one. If they are willing and able to ‘cap’ the east end of Irvington with decent, functional development then be thankful and let them get to work.
Large mixed use! with housing, Grocery, restaurants,and other retail and would do great. And you need some entertainment. Also need a parking garage.
Agreed. I lived in Irvington for 5 years. This location needs a mixed use development and it needed it 5 years ago. Some housing component also makes sense. Can’t understand why people pushback against housing when we’re in shortage.
Definitely would be nice to have some housing along the Pensy Trail in maybe a three or four-story building with some restaurants on the first level with patios overlooking the trail and apartments or condos on the second through fourth levels.
People push back on housing because they don’t want low income people in their neighborhood. Sad.
Good grocery and hardware store.
There is an Ace hardware at 10th and Arlington already.
Aldi is just a couple blocks west, and Kroger brackets Irvington with stores at 10th & Shortridge and Twin Aire, and Sav-a-Lot does the same with stores at 10th & Arlington and at Sherman & Washington. Another grocery in that mix is unlikely.
Upper scale fast food? Just what’s needed, right?
Chipotle is needed badly. They have avoided the east side.