Lesley Weidenbener: Changes to IBJ and a new Lawyer editor

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Thank you for reading IBJ. We know there are many things you could be doing with your time and many other news sources. We appreciate that you dedicate some of your time to us.

If you’re a regular reader, you probably noticed a few changes in this week’s issue. They’ve been planned for a while, and in fact, I mentioned many months ago that some of them were coming. I apologize that it has taken us a while to implement them. I hope you’ll find them worth the wait.

We’ll go in order. First up is a redesign of page 2A, which now offers an expanded Indiana 250 feature. Previously, the Indiana 250 feature was a half-page profile of one of the leaders on IBJ Media’s annual list of the most influential Hoosiers. Now, we are featuring one of the questions we’ve asked our Indiana 250 leaders and included answers from several of them.

This week, we’re focused on what seven of those on the list say they would do if they were elected governor (none of them are running, by the way!). We thought with a gubernatorial race on the ballot this year, you might enjoy seeing some of the answers.

Among the answers: Invest in high-speed rail, education, the creative economy and rest stops. You can read more from Judge Tanya Walton Pratt, Luke Family of Brands CEO Thomas Collins II, Kelley Automotive Group President Tom Kelley and others on page 2A.

Starting this week, we’ll also be closing the paper with a new feature: Last Word, a Q&A with an Indiana entrepreneur or business leader.

This week, IBJ talked with Graham Rahal, who is best known as an IndyCar driver but is also a businessman who recently opened an additional building at his sprawling, $20 million GR Brands headquarters at Zionsville’s Creekside Corporate Park.

The complex hosts Graham Rahal Performance, which sells and services elite street cars; Rahal Paint Protection; Rahal Precision Tint; and Rahal Ducati Indianapolis, an Italian motorcycle dealership. The newest building hosts another motorcycle dealership, Rahal Piaggio Indianapolis, as well as a high-end car storage facility and members-only social club called Wheelhouse. There’s also a restaurant called Bowdie’s Chophouse.

“I’m a driver with business interests,” Rahal tells IBJ. “I’m definitely not too many years away from being just a businessman.”

Look for similar Q&As each week. And if there’s someone you want us to interview, drop me a note at lweidenbener@ibj.com with Q&A in the subject line.

Also inside this week’s issue, we have a page dedicated to news written by our sister publication, Indiana Lawyer. Each week, you’ll see a sampling of the stories covered by our talented Indiana Lawyer team, including Managing Editor Daniel Carson and reporters Alexa Shrake and Maura Johnson.

Scan the QR code, and you’ll be linked to Indiana Lawyer’s full coverage.

And speaking of Indiana Lawyer, a big congratulations to Greg Weaver, who is its new editor. Greg joined IBJ as managing editor in March 2021 and has been a great leader and partner. His quarter-century of experience at The Indianapolis Star and previous work covering and editing state and local government news has been a boost for IBJ and will be fantastic for Indiana Lawyer, as well.

I’m so excited about the things Greg and I will be able to work on together as we grow the entire IBJ Media newsroom and tackle more of the stories that are important to all our readers.

Let me know what you think of the latest changes to IBJ and what else you’d like to see in these pages.•


Weidenbener is editor and assistant publisher of IBJ and assistant publisher of Indiana Lawyer. Reach her at lweidenbener@ibj.com.

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