Abdul-Hakim Shabazz: So what exactly is a Marion County Republican?
I like to think of myself as a moderate-conservative Republican who has voted for Democrats and Libertarians in the past.
I like to think of myself as a moderate-conservative Republican who has voted for Democrats and Libertarians in the past.
Correct us if we’re wrong, but we always thought Republicans were for limited government.
For all intents and purposes, marijuana is legal in Indiana, given we are surrounded by states where it is legal.
We literally went from the 24-hour news cycle to the 24-second news cycle.
Polls are not predictions; they are snapshots in time.
I have to say, it has been a fun two decades.
There is too much at stake to just simply walk away.
For all practical purposes, marijuana is legal in Indiana because our adjacent neighbors have legalized it.
And for the record, I would argue that Trump got treated better than most defendants.
Part of the reason I enjoy being a member of Gen X is our attitude and adaptability.
The big question is, can any of the challengers garner enough votes to beat the frontrunner?
Rokita is in trouble, again, for guess what? I’ll take ‘running off at the mouth’ for $500, Mr. Trebek.
We can have a spirited debate. I’ve never had a problem with that.
RCV is fundamentally the same approach used at caucuses and state conventions.
The challenge for Shreve is to make the case to those undecided voters in the last few days of the campaign.
Getting rid of the income tax would leave a 38% hole in the state budget, or a tad bit more than $7.5 billion per year.
Both the Hogsett and Shreve gun-control proposals impact only law-abiding citizens.
Anyone who has paid attention this campaign season knows crime is the number one issue for a lot of voters.
Unfortunately, we fell short of our goal. But it wasn’t a total loss.
Eliminate straight-ticket voting and implement ranked-choice voting.