Abdul-Hakim Shabazz: State lawmakers need to get on the pot (sort of)
A lot of states waited until after they legalized pot to come up with rules. Indiana can be ahead of the game.
A lot of states waited until after they legalized pot to come up with rules. Indiana can be ahead of the game.
I believe in the free marketplace of ideas and that competing ideas can keep each other in check.
If Libertarians play their cards right, they can grow their status as a political party in Indiana.
No one should have to pick between their health and voting, and no one does.
There was no immediate tour of downtown, no conversations with the business owners.
I am the first one to say Confederate monuments don’t belong in the public square. However, that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t exist.
Martin Luther King Jr. said a riot is the language of the unheard. But he also said riots are socially destructive and self-defeating.
About 54% of respondents said the state is on the right track, while only 49% thought the country was going in the right direction.
Coronavirus is like alcohol, money and power. It shows who among us are the flowers who could use a dousing of Roundup.
Anyone who cares about due process or protecting taxpayers should really be cheering for the west end of Market Street.
If the point is for Democrats and Republicans to pick their candidates for the general election, why should the general public pick up the tab?
We are not talking about 15 additional hours of certification. It’s included in the 90 hours teachers must get already.
Over the course of the teacher-pay debate, I’ve heard numerous advocates for increasing teacher pay argue that if the state got rid of the voucher program and no longer funded charter schools, there would be plenty of money to increase teacher salaries. Their math doesn’t add up.
We are not going to give it up to criminals and vagrants without a fight.
The city should increase opportunities for more school choice.
Eliminate taxes for people who make less than $10 an hour.
I have a problem trying to hold people accountable for something they either didn’t do or had nothing to do with.
In the last couple of weeks, two more states—North Dakota and Illinois—took steps toward either legalizing marijuana or decriminalizing its possession.
The senator’s greatest quality was his thoughtfulness and sense of bipartisanship when it came to problem-solving.
When it comes to other jobs, college admissions, you name it, there is probably going to be some element of “unearned access.”