Buttigieg to quarantine after security agent gets COVID-19
Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg said late Monday he was feeling fine with no symptoms and that the agent had no signs of COVID-19 other than testing positive for the virus.
Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg said late Monday he was feeling fine with no symptoms and that the agent had no signs of COVID-19 other than testing positive for the virus.
Evidence is mounting that having COVID-19 may not protect against getting infected again with some of the new variants. People also can get second infections with earlier versions of the coronavirus if they mounted a weak defense the first time, new research suggests.
Contaminated soil and groundwater at the former General Motors plant would be cleaned up under a plan to help open up the land for redevelopment.
Manning, the former Indianapolis Colts quarterback whose meticulous attention to detail helped turn the 21st-century gridiron into a chessboard on turf, was awarded his spot on Saturday in his first year of eligibility.
Overdose Lifeline intends to purchase and place 215 NaloxBox units across the state. The $58,000 cost of the NaloxBox units and shipping will be paid for through a federal grant to the state.
Employees at the Terre Haute prison complex where the 13 executions were carried out over six months had contact with inmates and other people infected with the coronavirus, but were able to refuse testing and declined to participate in contact tracing efforts.
The move Friday was made to help mitigate the risks of COVID-19 and matches that of the men’s tournament, which the NCAA said last month will be played in the Indianapolis area.
Among them: Amazon shows off a sexy new body for its Alexa assistant, Dan Levy apologizes for eating M&M’s and Bud Light Seltzer Lemonade makes a downpour of lemons a metaphor for 2020’s troubles.
Simple tax forms being mailed to people who never collected unemployment benefits are revealing their identities were likely stolen months ago and used to claim bogus benefits that have totaled billions of dollars across the country.
The Senate early Friday approved a measure that would let Democrats muscle the relief plan through the chamber without Republican support. Vice President Kamala Harris was in the chair to cast the tie-breaking vote, her first.
The January figures from the Labor Department reflect a faltering job market, slowed by a pandemic that is still causing consumers to avoid traveling, shopping, dining out, attending entertainment venues and engaging in other forms of face-to-face contact.
Overall, the nation’s nearly 200 dioceses and other Catholic institutions received at least $3 billion. That makes the Roman Catholic Church perhaps the biggest beneficiary of the Paycheck Protection Program
J&J’s vaccine was safe and offered strong protection against moderate to severe COVID-19, according to preliminary results from a massive international study.
A House committee made significant changes Thursday to the way Indiana would spend proceeds from a proposal to hike the state’s cigarette tax for the first time in more than a decade and impose a new state tax on vaping liquids.
The S&P 500 rose 1.1%, to a record high. A measure of small-company stocks rose twice as much, a bullish signal that investors are feeling more optimistic about the economy.
U.S. Sen. Chris Murphy (D-New York) introduced a bill Thursday that would guarantee college athletes the right to earn money from endorsements and sponsorship deals while barring the NCAA, schools and conferences from imposing restrictions.
The research could also bring scientists closer to an answer to one of the big questions about the vaccination drive: Will the vaccines actually curb the spread of the coronavirus?
Owners are hesitant to make hiring commitments because it’s unclear not only when the pandemic will end, but whether they’ll have enough revenue to justify bringing employees on.
Mike Pence announced Wednesday that the Office of the Former Vice President will handle correspondence, scheduling requests, public statements and official activities for him and his wife, Karen.
Last month’s gain came as a surprise to economists who had been looking for a slight decline given that the country was battling a severe resurgence of virus cases in January.