
Purdue set to pay students who’ll study abroad

Fewer than 20 percent of Purdue students participate in international study programs before graduating, and one of university President Mitch Daniels' new initiatives is to increase that to one-third of some 30,000 undergrads.

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State’s longest-serving female representative dies

Phyllis Pond of New Haven was a retired kindergarten teacher first elected to her Fort Wayne-area district in 1978. The 82-year-old's legislative work included pushing measures that reduced class sizes throughout the state and helped minority students attend law school.

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Ruling: Indiana failed to study mine’s water impacts

An environmental law judge has found that Indiana failed to fully assess the impact of coal waste runoff on local waterways when it issued a permit for a southwestern Indiana surface coal mine that’s the largest such mine east of the Mississippi River.

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Slower holiday sales growth predicted for 2013

Holiday shopping is likely to be hurt by the lackluster economy. In addition, there’s a shorter shopping window between Black Friday and Christmas. Last year, there were 32 days during the period and this year there are 25.

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