
Higher payroll taxes take toll on restaurants

So far, 2013 has been “a roller coaster ride” for Indiana eateries, according the state trade association’s president. Industry observers say a 2-percent increase in the payroll tax is a likely culprit in a nationwide sales decline.

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Indiana lawmaker: Coal-gas plant no longer feasible

An Indiana lawmaker who opposes a 30-year contract with the developers of a proposed $2.8 billion coal-gasification plant told a House committee Wednesday that the surge in U.S. shale gas production has driven down natural gas prices, leaving synthetic gas projects unfeasible.

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Criminal-sentencing overhaul may get tougher on pot

Tougher marijuana possession and dealing penalties could be added to a proposed overhaul of Indiana's criminal sentencing laws by legislators after Gov. Mike Pence questioned whether the plan was strict enough on low-level drug offenders.

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Study: Indiana individual health-claim costs to rise

A study by the nation's leading group of financial risk analysts shows the biggest driver of health insurance premiums will rise by more than 67 percent for Indiana residents' individual policies under President Barack Obama's health care overhaul.

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