
Pence supports large expansion of voucher program

Pence policy director Marilee Springer told members of the House education committee Tuesday that the governor supports a sweeping package of education changes that would end a one-year waiting period to obtain the scholarships.

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DePauw University gets $31M in donations

The founder of Lincoln Capital Management and his wife have donated $20 million to DePauw University to provide financial aid to students, part of $31 million in donations announced by the school in central Indiana.

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Indiana officials look to boost agriculture research

The state's agriculture department under new Gov. Mike Pence is planning a push into the science behind food production by trying to build a network of university and commercial researchers for what's being called an Agriculture Innovation Corridor.

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State halts backing for foreign-owned fertilizer plant

Indiana officials are withholding state backing for a Posey County fertilizer plant over concerns whether its Pakistan-based owners are doing enough at its overseas operations to keep the potentially explosive material from being used against U.S. troops.

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Families sue to recover lost investments

A central Indiana county commissioner, his wife and members of three other families who lost more than $700,000 they invested in businesses state officials say were shell companies are suing two men accused of orchestrating the scheme.

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