
Potential of higher car rental taxes drawing fire

People who come to Indianapolis for business, ball games or other reasons could pay more for their visits if local officials decide to raise taxes on car rentals and professional sports tickets early next year.

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Court dismisses paper’s appeal over online comments

The state Court of Appeals has dismissed The Indianapolis Star's appeal of a local judge's order requiring it to identify a person who made anonymous comments on its website that a former chief executive of Junior Achievement of Central Indiana contends were defamatory.

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Elkhart County getting nearly 400 new jobs

The Elkhart County Council on Saturday approved tax incentives for four companies seeking to expand in the county where the jobless rate topped out at nearly 19 percent in March 2009.

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USDA chief: Rural America becoming less relevant

Tom Vilsack, former Democratic governor of Iowa, told farm belt leaders this past week that he’s frustrated with their internecine squabbles and says they need to be more strategic in picking their political fights.

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Funding cuts may pull plug on school broadcasting

In August, Greenfield city officials decided to drastically slash funds for Greenfield-Central High School's broadcasting program. The future of the programs remains in a state of limbo for the 2013-14 school year and beyond.

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Retirement could change for some IU officials

Many high-ranking administrators at Indiana University would be allowed to work past the school's current mandated retirement age of 65 under a proposed new policy that one official said would better reflects current careers.

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Lugar starting Washington program for UIndy

Lugar is starting an internship program with the University of Indianapolis that will operate out of Washington, D.C. He has also agreed to deliver a handful of lectures each year as a distinguished professor at the private university.

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Pence travels Indiana to thank supporters, voters

Gov.-elect Mike Pence pledged to work with both parties to improve Indiana's economy but sidestepped potential political minefields as he hit the road Thursday for a two-day trip to thank supporters who helped him win the governor's office.

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