
Ad spending tops $25 million in Indiana Senate race

Spending on television ads in the race for Indiana's open Senate seat between Republican Richard Mourdock and Democrat Joe Donnelly topped $25 million this week, nearly five times what was spent in the 2010 Indiana Senate race.

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Backers of 30-year gas-purchase deal to press on

The Indiana Finance Authority and Indiana Gasification LLC plan to amend a 30-year contract that obligates the state to buy the company's synthetic natural gas. The move is in reaction to an appeals court ruling that reversed regulators' approval of the deal.

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Anderson reduces cuts to fire, police departments

The Anderson City Council voted 8-1 Monday night to approve a 2013 budget that cuts nine firefighter and three police officer positions. That's down from the 29 total jobs in those departments that Mayor Kevin Smith initially proposed.

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Financial crisis pushes millennials to fiscal conservatism

Researchers find that the recession had a particularly profound effect on the political attitudes of younger millennials, who’ve come of age as the adults who preceded them have lost homes, jobs and retirement funds. Their age group also faces high unemployment.

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Republic Airways inks aircraft deal with Caesars

Republic Airways Holdings Inc. said Friday that it had agreed on a three-year deal with casino giant Caesars Entertainment Corp. to operate five Embraer E190 aircraft that will provide more than 1,500 flights each year for Caesars' customers.

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