
13K Indiana foreclosure victims to get $2K checks

Indiana homeowners will receive about $43 million in refinanced loans while other borrowers will get $30 million worth of loan-term modifications and other relief as part of a $25 billion nationwide settlement with the country's biggest mortgage lenders.

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Gubernatorial candidates turn in signatures

Democrat John Gregg and Republican Mike Pence submitted plenty of signatures to get their names on Indiana’s ballot for governor. Fishers businessman Jim Wallace, however, said he came up 111 signatures shy of the number needed to make the ballot.

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Indiana among 10 states getting No Child Left Behind waivers

President Barack Obama on Thursday will free 10 states, including Indiana, from the strict and sweeping requirements of the No Child Left Behind law, giving leeway to states that promise to improve how they prepare and evaluate students, The Associated Press has learned.

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Indiana lawmaker says school bus fees increase danger

Indiana's public school districts wouldn't be able to end school bus service for their students under a proposal advancing in the General Assembly after protests from parents in a suburban Indianapolis district who now face annual bills of more than $400 a child for rides to and from school.

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