
Jobless claims fall sharply to 4-month low

The U.S. Labor Department said Wednesday that initial claims for jobless aid dropped by 24,000, to a seasonally adjusted 435,000. Many Wall Street economists expected a smaller decrease.

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Simon rival General Growth exits Chapter 11

General Growth exits bankruptcy with more than 183 regional malls in 43 states — a retail portfolio second only to Indianapolis-based Simon Property Group Inc., which failed in its bid to scoop up its rival earlier this year.

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Study: Substance abuse treatment costly for state

A study at the Center for Health Policy at IUPUI found that 66 cents of every dollar the state spends on services related to substance abuse goes toward health care while only 1 cent goes toward prevention or intervention.

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Governor starts Asia trip with Indiana delegation

Daniels and about 40 government and business officials from Indiana are scheduled to be in China until Sunday. The governor and a smaller group will then go to Japan for meetings until returning to Indiana on Nov. 17.

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Weak employment report expected Friday

Newly elected members of Congress will get a reminder Friday of the economic challenges they face in January: The jobs report for October is expected to show hiring weak and unemployment still high. The outlook for 2011 isn't much better.

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