Steel Dynamics’ quarterly profit jumps 63 percent
Steel Dynamics earned $105.9 million, compared with $65 million in the year-ago quarter. Revenue rose 30 percent, to $2 billion. Analysts were looking for $1.91 billion.
Steel Dynamics earned $105.9 million, compared with $65 million in the year-ago quarter. Revenue rose 30 percent, to $2 billion. Analysts were looking for $1.91 billion.
IBM wants to depose Daniels soon because it's concerned he will announce he's running for president and would be too busy on the campaign trail to give a deposition.
The Indiana Senate voted Monday to prohibit any state contracts or grants with Planned Parenthood or other organizations that provide abortions.
Indiana employers won't be allowed to ask workers about guns and ammunition that they might have in their vehicles under a bill that Gov. Mitch Daniels has signed into law.
An Indiana Senate committee on Monday approved a state budget that relies on a new, more optimistic revenue estimate to direct more cash to schools, restore previously proposed cuts and leave Indiana with more money in the bank than prior versions.
Senate Bill 251, which passed the Indiana House Utilities and Energy committee Friday, calls for a voluntary goal of producing 10 percent of the state's electricity from renewable energy resources by 2025.
Students in a central Indiana community will soon get their science instruction online instead of through textbooks, but the technology will come at a price.
Indiana Tobacco Prevention and Cessation officials acknowledge they still have work to do in a state that in 2008 had the nation's highest smoking rate and still has more than 1 million smokers.
The Indiana House elections committee voted 8-5 along party lines in favor of the proposals after Republicans revised the lines for several scattered state House districts from what they had proposed Monday.
Eli Lilly and Co. Inc. said Friday that the FDA has asked the drugmaker to conduct another clinical trial of its proposed pancreas drug before it resubmits an application to have the drug approved for sale.
Drivers across Indiana could be required to have their vehicles undergo emissions testing if new federal Environmental Protection Agency rules set for release this summer are strict enough, a state environmental official said.
The Indiana House has approved a bill that would limit collective bargaining agreements between local districts and teachers' unions to only wages and wage-related benefits.
The U.S. Justice Department says CVS Pharmacy Inc. has agreed to pay $17.5 million to settle allegations it overcharged Medicaid programs in 10 states, including Indiana.
An Indiana House committee has approved a watered-down immigration proposal a day after removing a contentious provision that would have given police officers more latitude to ask people for proof that they are in the country legally.
Analysts told the State Budget Committee on Friday they expect the state to take in some $643.7 million more in fiscal 2012 and 2013 than anticipated in the previous revenue forecast.
A Republican-led Indiana Senate committee on Thursday approved a plan for new Senate election districts that Democrats maintain unfairly dilutes black and Hispanic voting strength.
Former Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission counsel Scott Storms spoke out for the first time publicly on ethics charges brought against him, denying allegations that there was a conflict of interest in how he handled cases involving Duke Energy.
Indiana's attorney general says House Republican leaders are on "strong legal ground" in fining Democrats who boycotted the House for five weeks.
The House Public Policy Committee made several changes Thursday to the bill proposed by Republican Sen. Mike Delph of Carmel and could vote on it Friday. The legislation includes tax penalties for businesses that hire illegal immigrants.
The government says applications for unemployment benefits rose 27,000, to a seasonally adjusted 412,000 for the week ended April 9. That left applications at their highest point since mid-February.