
U.S. jobless claims drop, but remain high

Claims have fluctuated wildly in the past several weeks and have not dropped below January levels. Elevated unemployment claims,
along with last month’s weak jobs report and a struggling housing market, have economists worried the recovery is slowing.

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Ex-owner of cemeteries gets prison time

Robert Nelms, ex-owner of cemeteries in four states, including Indiana, has been sentenced to between 32 months and 10 years
in prison for embezzling $4.2 million from a Grand Rapids cemetery.

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Lawsuit: State takes too long on jobless appeals

John Gorman, who worked for the same company for 31 years before he was fired in December, has been waiting on a decision
for at least 100 days, and he still hasn't received his unemployment check, according to the American Civil Liberties
Union of Indiana.

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Drivers paying more to use Indiana Toll Road

It's the second rate increase since the state leased the Toll Road to a private company, and Thursday's price jump
won't be the last. The state's lease with the private company allows tolls to go up every July after next year.

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