
Jobless claims, goods orders signal modest rebound

A fitful economic recovery is drawing strength from a stabilizing job market and signs that manufacturing will contribute
to the rebound. The evidence signals a better-than-expected end to the year, though doubts remain about growth in 2010.

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Congress raises debt ceiling to $12.4 trillion

The Senate voted along party lines Thursday to raise the ceiling on the government debt to $12.4 trillion, a massive increase
over the current limit. Indiana Sen. Evan Bayh was the only Democrat to oppose the move.

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Senate OKs health care measure, but work remains

The Senate has passed President Barack Obama’s landmark health care overhaul in a climactic Christmas Eve vote, extending
medical insurance to 30 million Americans. But the Senate’s bill still must be merged with legislation passed by the House,
and there are significant differences.

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College cuts will favor some schools over others

The Indiana Commission for Higher Education said state colleges and universities need to find new ways to be efficient—without
new tuition hikes—to cope with spending cuts ordered by Gov. Mitch Daniels.

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Health Care bill clears key Senate test

Landmark health care legislation backed by President Barack Obama passed its sternest Senate test in the pre-dawn hours early
Monday, overcoming Republican delaying tactics on a 60-40 vote that all but assures its passage by Christmas.

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