
Late tax bills force counties to borrow millions

Nearly every Indiana county has failed to send property tax bills on time this year, forcing many local governments and schools
to borrow millions and providing further proof that Indiana’s tax system is still a work in progress more than a decade after
a court ordered a massive overhaul.

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Rich buying again, but middle class still hurting

Recent earnings reports from major retailers suggest that the wealthy, who pulled back their spending the hardest during the
financial meltdown last fall, are once again being enticed to open their wallets and going back to higher-end outlets. But
those on the lower economic rungs are still scrimping by, heading to Walmart for the basics.

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Zimmer offering seeks $1B

The Indiana-based orthopedic implant maker plans to use the proceeds to pay down debt and for general corporate purposes.

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Unions prod Obama to fix ailing airline industry

U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood is holding a forum Thursday to discuss the state of the airline industry, which is
mired in a severe economic slump and blamed for using a business model critics say undermines safety.

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