
House passes health care bill on close vote

In a victory for President Barack Obama, the Democratic-controlled House narrowly passed landmark health care legislation
Saturday night to expand coverage to tens of millions who lack it and place tough new restrictions on the insurance industry. The 220-215 vote cleared the way for the Senate to begin a long-delayed debate
on the issue that has come to overshadow all others in Congress.

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Supreme Court to hear gambler’s suit

The Indiana Supreme Court will hear arguments this week on whether an Ohio River casino should have allowed a compulsive gambler
to play and lose $125,000 in a single night.

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Indiana voters trending against schools in tax votes

Indiana voters seem willing to pay more in property taxes to help school districts cover operating costs. The results of last
week’s referendums, however, continue the trend against supporting plans for bigger, better schools during tough economic

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Obama to sign homebuyer, jobless assistance bill

President Barack Obama is set to sign a $24-billion economic stimulus bill providing tax incentives to prospective homebuyers
and extending unemployment benefits to the longtime jobless who have been left behind as the economy veers toward recovery.

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UPDATE: IRL hopes for boost from Izod

Jeff Belskus, CEO of the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, called the sponsorship deal “one of the most significant announcements
in the history
of the IndyCar series.”

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FDA questions role of payments in Zimmer study

Federal health officials say an implant from Indiana-based Zimmer Holdings Inc. appears to be effective in treating spinal
problems, but questions remain about whether company payments to doctors influenced the device’s trial data.

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Educators criticize proposed licensing changes

A proposed revamping of Indiana’s teacher licensing standards that would reduce the amount of required courses on how to teach
drew sharp criticism from educators Monday, with one teacher at the last of three public hearings on the plan calling it a
“slap in the face.”

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