
EPA: Indiana must rewrite BP refinery air permit

Federal officials ordered Indiana on Monday to rewrite an air permit for BP PLC’s Whiting refinery, concluding the state may
not have fully assessed all the new emissions a big expansion of the refinery will produce.

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Biomass boilers could save Indiana prisons $36M

New biomass boilers at four Indiana prisons are projected to save the state $36 million over 10 years. The Indiana Department
of Correction says it dedicated the first of the new boilers last week at the Pendleton Correctional Facility northeast of

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Critics: Failed Indiana-IBM deal should warn others

Indiana said it was going to get outsourcing right when it turned welfare eligibility services over to a private contractor
in 2007. Now critics say the failed move is the latest warning that states should not allow for-profit companies to run social

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Daniels expands youth conservation program

Gov. Mitch Daniels says a program that hires young adults to improve Indiana parks and trails has been so successful that
he’s extending it for another year. The Young Hoosiers Conservation Corps has given jobs to nearly 1,900 residents ages 16
to 24 since it was created this year using federal stimulus money.

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Purdue gets $1M for plant-climate research

The U.S. Department of Agriculture has given Purdue University a nearly $1 million grant to study ways that genomics can be
used to enhance the value of certain plants while making them more resilient to climate stress.

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