
SPORTS: Crooked Stick is primed for the Men’s Senior Open-WEB ONLY

The media and other hackers gathered at Crooked Stick Golf Club in Carmel recently to hear about plans for the upcoming U.S. Men’s Senior Open, then tested their limited skills on the golf course. I had an absolutely glorious and funfilled day, except for the nine lost balls, which, in my “Tin Cup” moment, included […]

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SPORTS: If Pacers left, would these kids get help they need?-WEB ONLY

As I drove to work May 12, I listened as local talk-show radio host, WXNT-AM 1430’s Abdul Hakim-Shabazz seized on a blog report that the owner of the National Hockey League Vancouver Canucks was considering a bid to purchase the Indiana Pacers and move them to the Canadian city. There was nothing to confirm that […]

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SPORTS: The Speedway is still our 800-pound gorilla-WEB ONLY

Will Higgins, an excellent wordsmith for The Indianapolis Star, was kind enough to include me in interviews he did in preparation for a story about the Indianapolis Motor Speedway’s Centennial and the track’s enormous impact on Indianapolis. He included a couple of my quotes in his story. It was another one of those “you-know-you’re-getting-old-when” moments […]

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City built on leadership, cooperation is in danger

No matter how the Capital Improvement Board funding mess plays out, we’re left with resentment coming from all directions
and an unprecedented splintering of the long-standing bipartisan cooperation that helped propel our city forward.

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SPORTS: City built on leadership, cooperation is in danger-WEB ONLY

No matter how the Capital Improvement Board funding mess plays out, we’re left with resentment coming from all directions and an unprecedented splintering of the long-standing bipartisan cooperation that helped propel our city forward. I have to think that the late Larry Conrad and Jim Browning, two of the visionaries who sought to bring Indianapolis-and […]

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SPORTS: Will local paper keep covering your favorite team?-WEB ONLY

As a (former fulltime) ink-stained wretch, witnessing the demise of the daily newspaper is heartbreaking. I can’t imagine a day without the “morning miracle” in my hands over a cup of coffee. Nonetheless, major metropolitan newspapers have disappeared (Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Rocky Mountain News), reduced circulation (The Detroit Free Press and Detroit News are printed only […]

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SPORTS: No playoffs, but plenty of positives for Blue & Gold-WEB ONLY

Certainly, a season-ending victory over a last-place team isn’t all that much to shout about. Neither is a 36-46 record and a third straight year on the outside looking in at the NBA playoffs. That said, the Indiana Pacers-who closed their campaign April 15 with a stirring come-from-behind win over the Milwaukee Bucks-left me wanting […]

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Detroit reminds us not to squander what we have

My prevailing thoughts upon returning from Detroit were how fortunate Indianapolis is when it comes to hosting these kinds of events, and how a thriving downtown is essential to (A) success of the region and (B) national perception.

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SPORTS: Detroit reminds us not to squander what we have-WEB ONLY

On the morning of April 2, I spent three hours outside a crowded committee hearing room in the Statehouse, watching and listening to testimony regarding the funding problems of the Capital Improvement Board. Much of the supporting testimony regarded the importance of sustaining and growing Indy’s vibrant downtown. When the hearing was over, I drove […]

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Lucas Oil Stadium hosted basketball beautifully

Congratulations to Lucas Oil Stadium Director Mike Fox, assistant Andy Arnold and the amazing crew at the stadium for transforming the venue into an intimate, 40,000-seat basketball venue for the NCAA’s Midwest Regional.

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SPORTS: Lucas Oil Stadium hosted basketball beautifully-WEB ONLY

Of this, that and the other as we transition from March Madness to, uh, what? April Anxiety? Perhaps with the tax-filing date approaching, that would be true. Anyway, congratulations to Stadium Director Mike Fox, assistant Andy Arnold and the amazing crew at Lucas Oil Stadium for transforming the venue into an intimate, 40,000-seat basketball venue […]

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SPORTS: Big Ten Network trades controversy for success-WEB ONLY

For sure, I’m not to the point where I’m setting my DVR to record Northwestern-Minnesota field hockey. In fact, I’ll never be to that point. But increasingly, my itchy remote control finger is punching up the Big Ten Network. Less than two years after its audacious launch, the Chicagobased BTN has expanded into more than […]

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SPORTS: Is city losing passion for amateur sports?-WEB ONLY

Once upon a time, Pan Am Plaza was one of the most vibrant gathering spaces in our city. No longer. Awaiting the redevelopment that depends on an economic recovery, it is virtually empty, its bricks and concrete crumbling. Unabated winds blowing through it carry with them the whisper of past glories, when anything in our […]

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