
Who believes Lance Armstrong? I do, and many feel the same

Within moments of cyclist and cancer survivor Lance Armstrong’s announcement that he would no longer contest the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency’s relentless quest to strip him of his seven Tour de France titles, the social network Facebook came alive with “I told-you-he-was-a-cheater” diatribes. I responded thusly: I still believe—and believe in—Lance Armstrong. I may be hopelessly […]

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BENNER: Will playoff-fueled Pacer passion last until November?

Curious, isn’t it, that Indiana Pacers forward Danny Granger plays the “we don’t get any national respect” card when he, in particular, and his team, in general, spent virtually all of this past National Basketball Association season not getting much in the way of local respect?

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With MSA, Lugar brought Pacers and sports downtown

As I flipped back and forth between channels on the night of May 8, the irony of Sen. Richard Lugar’s losing the Republican primary as the Indiana Pacers were registering their biggest victory in seven years was inescapable. Because without Lugar we might not have the Pacers. Yes, Mayor Bill Hudnut collected most of the […]

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