
WellPoint’s New York rate hike to face scrutiny

WellPoint Inc. and other U.S. health insurers will have to provide justification for any increases to customers’ premiums of more than 10 percent next year, according to federal regulations published Tuesday.

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Analysts: Simon unlikely to buy Capital Shopping

Simon Property Group Inc. is unlikely to buy Capital Shopping Centres Group Plc because it will take too long for rents to rise enough to justify a price its U.K. counterpart would accept, according to Barclays Capital real estate analysts.

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ITT Educational, for-profit peers reaped $521M from military

Twenty for-profit colleges—led by Carmel-based ITT Educational Services—reaped $521 million in U.S. taxpayer funds in 2010 by recruiting armed-services members and veterans through misleading marketing, according to a Congressional report released Thursday.

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Dow Agro target of patent-infringement lawsuit

A unit of Bayer AG, Europe’s largest drug and chemical maker, is suing Indianapolis-based Dow AgroSciences LLC in federal court in Delaware alleging infringement of a U.S. patent for herbicide-resistant crops.

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