
IPL plots ‘smart’ options-WEB ONLY

In a move to delay construction of expensive new generating capacity, Indianapolis Power & Light wants to roll out “smart” electric meters to help customers conserve electricity. The meters would allow for time-of-use electricity pricing that rewards customers with lower rates when they use appliances during off-peak periods. IPL’s so-called demand-side management plan pending before […]

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Ringing up fewer sales-WEB ONLY

Forget for the moment Brightpoint Inc.’s $344 million loss in the fourth quarter. It was mostly indigestion in the form of a goodwill impairment charge from buying Europe’s biggest wireless distributor in 2007. Just how the recession has gotten Brightpoint’s number is perhaps better reflected in a more mundane measure: After years of torrid gains […]

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I Power generates $2 million investment-WEB ONLY

Anderson-based I Power Energy Systems, a spinoff of Remy International that makes co-generation power units for buildings, has raised $2 million from investors. The private placement managed by Chicago-based David A. Noyes & Co. sold 16,000 series B convertible units at $125 each. Proceeds will be used in part to introduce products, increase marketing and […]

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I Power generates $2 million investment-WEB ONLY

Anderson-based I Power Energy Systems, a spinoff of Remy International that makes co-generation power units for buildings, has raised $2 million from investors. The private placement managed by Chicago-based David A. Noyes & Co. sold 16,000 series B convertible units at $125 each. Proceeds will be used in part to introduce products, increase marketing and […]

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Advanced energy next focus for economic development

The Central Indiana Corporate Partnership—the parent of the BioCrossroads, TechPoint and Conexus industry cluster initiatives—let it be known last month that there would be a fourth leg to its economic development stool: clean technology.

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State thinking clean-WEB ONLY

The Central Indiana Corporate Partnership-the parent of the BioCrossroads, TechPoint and Conexus industry cluster initiatives-let it be known last month that there would be a fourth leg to its economic development stool: clean technology. The new initiative is known to insiders as the Indiana Energy Systems Network and has been under the reins of Paul […]

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$3.5 billion. 200 feet deep. 20 miles long. 15 years.-WEB ONLY

Try to imagine a space large enough to hold as much water as thunders over Niagara Falls in five minutes. Now imagine stashing that water beneath Indianapolis in a cavity nearly as deep underground as the Indiana Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Monument on Monument Circle is high. That’s the goal of city engineers and consultants as […]

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NASA contracts soaring-WEB ONLY

Indiana’s share of NASA spending amounts to little more than a shiny penny at the bottom of a clothes dryer. Only $130 million made its way to the state in 2007-virtually nothing compared to the $12 billion the space agency doled out to all states and the $5 billion Indiana companies snagged from the U.S. […]

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Transit group forging plan-WEB ONLY

With commuter trains stuck at the proverbial station despite decades of studies, a businessled coalition is barreling forth with its own plan to study multimodal transportation and related land use. The newly formed Central Indiana Transit Task Force won’t stop at studying opportunities to link rail and buses in the metro area. It will also […]

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City’s environmental effort gets boost

The McKinney Family Foundation has created a fund to support initiatives of Mayor Greg Ballard’s 3-month-old Office of Sustainability, an environmental initiative that promotes projects ranging from energy-efficient city buildings to bicycle paths.

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