Curt Smith: Braun shaping government into frugal, effective asset
All signs at this early stage suggest Braun has assembled a capable team of leaders to guide state government.
All signs at this early stage suggest Braun has assembled a capable team of leaders to guide state government.
This puts more resources toward the profound problems of fatherlessness and family dysfunction.
After Ronald Reagan sent him into retirement in 1980, Carter redefined how ex-president’s continue to serve the nation.
But a push by faith leaders and elected leaders is coming in 2025 that seeks to broaden the engagement of the faith community in meeting pressing Hoosier needs.
The real journalistic enterprise is truth telling, not describing or cooperating with reality.
He invested his life, his energy, his fortune and his fervent prayers in resolving a moral contradiction that eluded American leaders, even one as formidable as Lincoln.
Both the growing focus on family policy and the fact it is a bipartisan conversation in both the U.S. House and U.S. Senate offer some encouragement.
This ad hoc group believes the key is harnessing the strength of Indiana’s nearly 50,000 not-for-profits to bring true entrepreneurial innovation while reimagining social services.
Beckwith’s passionate patriotism prevailed over the pragmatic positions so often on display at GOP functions.
If you or your loved ones are in a position to catalyze or create such an event, I’d strongly encourage it.
It is offered in the spirit of sparking a conversation about how we can tap into the latent talent and capacity of our neglected faith communities.
Political favor and fortune come and go.
Civic leaders will be challenged in a good way to make quality-of-life gains consistent with these economic advances.
It seems the backwaters of Indiana policymaking are fine when profits are being generated.
We are now less than 30 months from the 250th anniversary of America’s Declaration of Independence.
The stories one hears about estranged parents, bruised children and a weaponized court system break your heart.
Courage, not cowardice, is the call.
It appears to some there are efforts underway to make this race about one candidate.
We learned part of our morning delay was also due to technology problems in presenting the courtroom evidence
We need further efforts by the pro-life community to make abortion unthinkable.