Curt Smith: Post-COVID, church attendance, giving fall further
Let us hope such spiritual deficits do not lead to additional deficits in America’s impulse to give.
Let us hope such spiritual deficits do not lead to additional deficits in America’s impulse to give.
Whatever venues he chooses, Ramaswamy is a future force for conservative values and views.”
The next few months are filled with promise and peril for both the nation and the nascent conservative House majority.
He is a consistent conservative voice and vote against the ‘Washington-knows-best’ government creep that so troubles most Republican primary voters.
Whatever the voters’ verdict, for the health of the nation, let us hope and pray outcomes are clear.
The presidency is too important to be subsumed by an aggrieved occupant bent on vindication.
Putin’s hubris has humbled Russia and set her back multiple generations.
The 9/11 attacks that Ayman al-Zawahiri helped mastermind alone cost the American economy $100 billion in direct and indirect costs.
As Justice Brett Kavanaugh wrote … the Constitution is neutral on abortion—it neither favors nor opposes.
The lack of regard for a pre-born child contributes to school shootings, teen gun violence and child abuse.
The need is great, and the demographics of this population suggest housing needs will only grow for those able to live independently.
The Remnant Trust is hosting a Great Conversations series symposium in Indianapolis in May featuring Robert Woodson.
If Putin prevails without paying an unacceptable cost, China will be emboldened to more aggressively assert its claim over Taiwan.
“The president’s abysmal poll numbers and the public’s sour mood leave little to debate about Democrats’ standing as we head into the midterm.”
Expect action erring on the side of personal freedom.
Parents are choosing to leave government-run schools in droves
By choosing a simple standard to establish when abortions are banned, cardiac activity … the law forces Americans to confront the humanity of the unborn child.
Keepers of The Remnant Trust … are diametrically opposed to the idea that the documents must never be touched by the public.
It is time the states be allowed to pass laws that reflect the will of the citizenry.
Believers … can and will band together to make sure religious liberty, free speech and free association remain the norm in America.