Curt Smith: Ruling could set precedent for more pro-life laws
It is time the states be allowed to pass laws that reflect the will of the citizenry.
It is time the states be allowed to pass laws that reflect the will of the citizenry.
Believers … can and will band together to make sure religious liberty, free speech and free association remain the norm in America.
Markets are not magic, but they beat a system that responds to political cues rather than economic truths everywhere it has been tried.
Many more changes are ahead. Many daunting challenges remain.
“Our experience here confirms that the organizations attacking our residents and elected leaders did not carry through on their threats.”
God help us if this trend continues and is not reversed by the faith community’s extraordinary success in helping us navigate the pandemic and the cultural crosswinds that come from growing secularization.
The livelihoods of thousands and the quality of life of millions will be affected by how we conduct ourselves as hosts.
The action rights a wrong against churches, synagogues, mosques and other worship centers in the health crisis.
The voices these so-called leaders ignore are not easily dismissed as rancor from the right. This half of the Great Divide desires and deserves a voice in these deliberations.
Hispanics are religious practitioners, with 70% or more identifying as Catholic or evangelical protestant.
The GOP increased its already strong hold on the map-making process that will define legislative districts for the coming decade.
Trump is far from my ideal for a president, but he is right for the job.
Recent polling gives Trump the advantage due to the disturbing social unrest, this lack of order.
In certain Indiana political circles, it has become controversial to state that children do best when raised by their own married biological father and mother.
The pandemic and perhaps other factors are driving general crime down. But murders are skyrocketing.
Governing from the middle works most of the time, but shoring up the base may become necessary in disquieting 2020.
We are indeed interdependent, and there is dignity in all work.
We value life over commerce, we readily invest wealth and will suffer sharp economic harm … to save lives.
RFRA is a shield to protect the faithful from government, not a sword to harm others. We were right and the left was wrong, again.
Is all this poisoned politics preventing a lack of positive progress? The trend lines and this columnist say ‘yes.’