Rep. Ed DeLaney: We owe our taxpayers more than pies in a future sky
What the 2025 General Assembly is effectively doing is legislating on behalf of its-as-yet unelected 2030 members.
What the 2025 General Assembly is effectively doing is legislating on behalf of its-as-yet unelected 2030 members.
If the state forces a reduction in the property taxes imposed solely by local governments, the state needs to make up for that revenue.
This game hurts the very individuals and communities that most need help.
Those most in need of public services get to make do with less.
Let us not assume that more is being spent on education in total.
It is hard to say who is worse: State Treasurer Dan Elliott or Attorney General Todd Rokita.
The economic lever that Daniels used was reducing the reliance of schools on local property tax by sending increased state dollars to the school systems.
The LEAP project takes the ever-growing idea of using public funds to spur private investment to a whole new scale.
We have created a “school choice market.” A freewheeling market.
Each student demonstrator owes it to himself or herself and to society not to allow honest views to be confused with antisemitism or support for violence.
He and the public are entitled to know what these candidates would do if elected in November.
Supporters of the Indiana brand of Republicanism used to pride themselves on fiscal discipline. That day is behind us.
Interesting work and solid compensation should be the goal for all our young people.
Indiana has not adopted public funding of political campaigns, but we are seeing public dollars used indirectly for just that.
These mighty engines are full of braggadocio but empty of substance.
Mike’s number one accomplishment as governor was the extension of health care benefits to hundreds of thousands of Hoosiers. He has downplayed this success.
A sense of proportion is built on reason and hope, not fear and anger.
The simple fact is that the Indiana Republican Party is built on two pillars: wealthy donors and ideologically driven voters.
The military is a key institution that seems to be under attack.
Once freed from federal enforcement of rights and left free to act by our Supreme Court, the Legislature is free to limit our freedoms.