Security vendor to terminate 148 jobs at FedEx facility
Andy Frain Services Inc. plans to close its security operations center at the FedEx facility in Indianapolis at the end of September.
Andy Frain Services Inc. plans to close its security operations center at the FedEx facility in Indianapolis at the end of September.
Ball State University’s board of trustees voted Thursday to change the name of the John H. Schnatter Institute for Entrepreneurship and Free Enterprise, almost two weeks after announcing plans to keep the name.
In its permit application with the city, scooter-rental service Bird Rides Inc. said high ridership rates it experienced last month in Indianapolis convinced it to come back with a much larger fleet of scooters.
The city can’t afford to let Gen Con and other major events get away because the convention center doesn’t have the technology they need to put on great shows.
Cable and internet provider Charter Communications plans to close its customer service department on the east side of Indianapolis.
The well-known eatery was closed by the Marion County Health Department earlier this week after an inspector found food was not being stored at proper temperatures.
The Carmel-based company—the maker of Splenda, Java House Cold Brew Coffee and other food products—is seeking a tax break to help it pay for improvements to its manufacturing and distribution facilities in Indianapolis.
The foundation, which controls more than $800 million in charitable assets, is serious enough about confronting racism that it recently altered its mission statement to drive the point home.
Fiesta Indianapolis, an annual cultural event that has celebrated the city’s Latino heritage since 1980, has been called off this year. La Plaza, the group that organizes Fiesta Indianapolis, announced that it “decided to support the events by the Mexican Consulate, Indiana Latino Expo and Indiana Latino Institute during National Hispanic Heritage Month” instead. The […]
La Plaza, the group that organizes Fiesta Indianapolis, announced Tuesday that it instead decided to support other upcoming Latino community events.
St. Louis-based Integris Ventures and New York-based Starlight Equity Partners paid about $3.1 million to purchase the seven-story building. It plans several more acquisitions in Indianapolis.
Event officials counted a best-ever 223,326 turnstile visits, a 9 percent increase from 2017. They also touted records for unique attendees, gaming companies and charitable contributions.
Alan Witchey has stepped down as executive director for the Coalition for Homelessness Intervention and Prevention of Greater Indianapolis to take over leadership of The Damien Center.
Ball State University does not plan to change the name of the John H. Schnatter Institute for Entrepreneurship and Free Enterprise. Purdue, however, is following the lead of several other colleges that have distanced themselves from the controversial Papa John’s Pizza chain founder.
The Cincinnati-based grocery chain said the store, which employs 65, is unprofitable.
Crimes motivated by biases based on race, gender, religion and sexual orientation have broader ramifications on society than similar crimes carried out for other reasons.
In addition to dropping the name it has used for the past 52 years, the Carmel-based public company is changing its ticker symbols on the NASDAQ market.
The survey, released in July, is based on responses from 1,021 self-employed Americans age 18 and older.
The chairman and CEO of Evansville-based Old National Bancorp, has been named chairman of the American Bankers Association’s American Bankers Council for the 2018-2019 membership year.