
Holiday Wish List

Here is a list of Indianapolis-area not-for-profit organizations and the things each needs most. This is an opportunity for businesses and individuals to make tax-deductible gifts in the spirit of the season. Anyone who wishes to make a contribution should contact the organization directly.

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EDITORIAL: Downtown worth extra investment

While we support creating an EID and applaud Downtown Indy’s championing of the effort, we understand the reluctance of some property owners to support it until they get a clearer explanation of how the money would be used.

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Andre Lacy obit photo

Business leader, philanthropist Andre Lacy dies at 78

Andre B. Lacy was known for his prolific work on corporate boards and as an active leader of several influential civic organizations. But he is likely to be best remembered for his recent philanthropy, which included a $25 million gift to Butler University’s college of business.

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Cook Group starting expansion project

Medical-device maker Cook Group expects to start work this month on an expansion project as it takes over the former General Electric refrigerator factory in Bloomington. Cook spokeswoman Marsha Lovejoy said her company should soon complete its purchase of the factory, which shut down last year. Cook announced in September it would buy the 70-acre […]

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