
City, billboard company reach court agreement over digital signs

Billboard company GEFT Outdoor LLC and the city of Indianapolis have agreed to a court settlement that will allow the company to operate two local digital billboards while sparing the city any financial liability for a former sign ordinance that was found to be unconstitutional

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Circle Tower 450 px

Co-working company buys downtown’s Circle Tower

Level Office said it plans to devote part of the building to membership-based co-working space with private offices and communal lounge areas, an espresso bar, 500-megabits-per-second fiber internet and local beer on tap.

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EDITORIAL: Ideology shouldn’t trump safety

We’re not sure what’s scarier—that Pence would choose deregulation at the expense of Hoosiers’ safety or that he’s pared state agencies down so far that there isn’t the staff available to handle what are basic duties of government.

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