
Study ranks central Indiana high in ‘advanced industries’ jobs

The Indianapolis/Carmel/Anderson metro area ranks 27th of 100 U.S. metro areas in the number of local jobs in the advanced-industries sectors, a new study says. The study, released this month by the Brookings Institution, a not-for-profit public policy group, looks at job and output trends among America’s advanced industries. Brookings’ definition of advanced industries includes […]

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Greenwood OKs TIF funds for $7M distillery, restaurant

The Greenwood Redevelopment Commission on Tuesday approved a tax-increment financing plan for a business group that wants to build an alcohol distillery, brewery and restaurant on a 12-acre site along Main Street, east of Interstate 65.

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EDITORIAL: Republicans miss an opportunity

Though Hoosier Republicans are fortunate to have had people the caliber of Suzanne Crouch, Sue Ellspermann, Susan Brooks and Becky Skillman available to run for statewide office, the party faithful might legitimately ask why such talent never seems to rise to the top.

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