
Prominent local architect Woollen dies at 88

From the mid-1950s to the 2000s, Evans Woollen III and his architectural firm designed dozens of notable local residential, public and commercial buildings, including Clowes Memorial Hall, the Minton Capehart Federal Building and Barton Tower.

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State unemployment fund pays back $250M loan

The trust fund—which is used to pay benefits to out-of-work Hoosiers—reimbursed the state for a loan that saved businesses from paying more than $327 million in penalties to the federal government.

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National FFA Organization names new chief executive

Mark Poeschl, of Brookville, Ohio, will take over leadership of the Indianapolis-based National FFA Organization and the National FFA Foundation on Aug. 1, succeeding Dwight Armstrong, who is retiring after leading the organizations for seven years.

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Mayor should lead transit charge

The referendum to impose a 0.25 percent income tax in Marion County to fund transit improvements is one of Joe Hogsett’s first big opportunities to influence the future of Indianapolis.

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