

Retailer HHGregg loses another senior executive

The revolving door in the leadership offices at HHGregg continued to turn this week with the departure of Trent Taylor, chief information officer. Taylor is at least the ninth senior-level executive to leave HHGregg since mid-2012.

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Tube manufacturer moving HQ to Carmel

Precision Products Group Inc. is set to move its corporate office this month into a 3,402-square-foot space at 10201 N. Illinois St., state economic development officials announced Wednesday.

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Report: Region has 51,000 tech jobs

Drawing on data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, TechPoint’s “2015 State of Tech Talent in Indiana” report said there are 26,000 IT and non-IT positions in the tech industry, as well as 2,400 computer-related sole proprietors or freelancers.

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