

Public records listing from the Sept. 21, 2009, edition.

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People in the news

People listings are free, but photos that are used in the print edition will not appear online.

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CFS Bancorp Inc., 707 Ridge Road., Munster, 46321 ( is the bank holding company for Citizens Financial
Bank, which conducts business from full service branches located in Lake, Porter and LaPorte counties in Indiana and Cook,
DuPage and Will counties in Illinois.

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Next year’s State Fair to feature Japanese exhibit

Japanese culture will be on display at the Indiana State Fair next year. Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels announced today, while
traveling on a economic development mission in Japan, that the Asian country will be featured in its own exhibit at the fair
for the first time in 2010.

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United Way scales back fund-raising goal

United Way of Central Indiana recently announced a fund-raising goal of $39 million. That’s less than the goal of
$40 million set last year, when fund raising fell short, ending at $38.8 million.

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Study weakens Lilly’s fight against price controls

Eli Lilly and Co. and its peers might be back in Congress’ sights as lawmakers hunt for more ways to cut health care
costs. A new study in the influential Health Affairs journal concludes that European drugmakers operating
in markets with pharmaceutical price controls have produced proportionally more innovations than their U.S. counterparts.

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Public records listing from the Sept. 14, 2009, edition.

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ICVA unlikely to seek loan to pay for enhanced marketing

The idea of the not-for-profit Indianapolis Convention & Visitors Association taking out a loan was not warmly received by
city officials. And financial institutions were less than thrilled with the idea given the ICVA’s diminishing revenue
and increasing costs.

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EDITORIAL: Indiana’s Sunday booze ban should be tossed

Sunday is the second-busiest grocery-shopping day of the week in Indiana, but there’s one product Hoosiers aren’t
allowed to put in their shopping carts that day even though it’s perfectly legal the rest of the week. That’s
because an archaic blue law prohibits carryout liquor sales on Sundays.

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People in the News

People listings are free, but photos that are used in the print edition will not appear online.

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