
Hilbert-Menard legal brawl showing no sign of let-up

A year and a half after John Menard ousted Steve and Tomisue Hilbert as the managers of the private equity firm they all started, attorneys for the two sides continue to fight bitterly for every tactical advantage in a dozen lawsuits between them.

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Recent wins worth $4B to Lilly market value

Lilly is finally putting meat on the bones of its predictions about its experimental diabetes and cancer drugs. That gives investors the certainty they crave that Lilly’s future revenue won’t remain in its 2014 doldrums.

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Indiana has too many nursing homes

Indiana has 58 percent more nursing homes per resident and spends an extra $1 billion per year on care in nursing homes than the average for the rest of the country.

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Mainstreet torques up expansion ambitions

Mainstreet Property Group, already the fastest-growing company in the Indianapolis area, now has the fuel it needs to nearly triple its pace of construction of senior care facilities around the country.

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