
Rotten Teeth Report Card

Indiana ranks 10th in the nation for the highest spending on health care and 10th in the nation for the number of adults missing six or more teeth. That’s not a coincidence. Hoosiers do a poor job of taking care of themselves, and we end up paying for it in higher taxes and health insurance premiums.

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Lilly’s latest sales strategy: the soft sell

Eli Lilly and Co. thinks it has a secret weapon to return to growth. No, it’s not a new blockbuster drug—although Lilly will most likely have several new products hit the market this year and next. Rather, it’s an unorthodox, softer approach put into play by its U.S. sales force.

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With heat on company, ITT’s CEO Modany swings back

But in an interview with IBJ, ITT Educational Services CEO Kevin Modany asserted that for-profit colleges are a good deal, that they produce better results than community colleges, and that they are critical for the state and nation to close the skills gap among workers.

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