
Looks like both sides are wrong about Medicaid

New research shows that expanding Medicaid won’t save money, in spite of the claims of Obamacare supporters, but it will provide modest help to patients’ health and pocketbooks, in spite of conservative critics’ contention to the contrary.

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Funding drought pinches life sciences firms

Nationally, venture capital investments into life sciences firms totaled $4.9 billion during the first nine months of 2013, down 30 percent from the same period in 2008, according to data from Thomson Reuters and PricewaterhouseCoopers. In Indiana, life sciences firms raised $21 million during the first nine months of the year, far lower than any year since 2003.

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No one likes Obamacare

Obamacare has officially arrived, but both conservatives and liberals are calling it awful. That means the real debate over health reform is just beginning.

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Employers prep for Obamacare

The pace of rule-making and decision-making was feverish in the year leading up to the Jan. 1, 2014, implementation of Obamacare.

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NEWSMAKERS: Tony Bennett & Glenda Ritz

In November 2012, Democrat Glenda Ritz defeated Republican Tony Bennett in the race for Indiana’s superintendent of public instruction. But the two never stopped fighting each other.

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For the holidays: A hopeful, health care reading list

In the Christmas spirit of hope, I’m offering a reading list of several optimistic reports about health care reform—even though many of my recent posts, and the mood of the country in general, have been decidedly downbeat.

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Lechleiters, Bralys contribute $1M each to United Way

John Lechleiter, Angela Braly and two other local business leaders have pledged a combined $3 million to United Way of Central Indiana over the next four years. United Way is trying to raise $42.5 million by the end of the year.

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Hospitals slow to embrace future, survey finds

Hospital executives, in spite of mounting financial pressures under their older business models, are stepping cautiously into the future, with nearly half opting against new accountable care business models touted by Obamacare.

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